Why IT?

Apply for the IT Academy

The IT Academy at Bryan Station is a closely knit learning community. You will have classes with the same people and form valuable relationships. The IT Academy also gives opportunities to learn more about technology and gain real world experience preparing you for college and a career. We also have fun!


  • How is the IT Academy different from other programs?
  • We like to have fun.
  • Do I have to go into an IT related field?
  • Many students go into other occupations such as doctors, lawyers, and others. You use IT in every field!
  • Is Bryan Station a bad school?
  • Bryan Station is a great school contrary to popular belief, check out www.defendingstation.com (a site made by IT students) for more information.

Quick Facts

  • 7 consecutive years with a 100% Graduation Rate
  • Class of 2015 received over 1 million dollars in scholarships for post-secondary education.
  • IT academy students outscore their peers on the ACT by an average of 4 points.
  • IT Academy students outperformed their peers in meeting College and Career Readiness Benchmarks in English, Math, and Reading.


The Academy of Information Technology is open to all interested incoming freshmen. The application includes a short essay and teacher recommendation. Students may apply for out-of-area status to attend the Academy.

Apply for the IT Academy